My journey with Metal Gear began when I was young and I was able to play Metal Gear Solid 4 on the PS3. Currently, I own every official Metal Gear game with the exception of Metal Gear Rising and Twin Snakes, as well as the necessary consoles to play them. However, my interest with Metal Gear would intensify in early 2020 during quarantine.

My favorite game is MGS3: Snake Eater for its gameplay, but my favorite usage of themes and symbolism is in MGS2: Sons of Liberty. My favorite characters consist of Naomi Hunter, Solid Snake, Eva, Sniper Wolf, Kazuhira Miller, Paz Ortega Andrade, Quiet, and Venom Snake.

While it's a little obvious, I am a core supporter of Naomi Hunter and I think her critics are stupid. Sorry about it.

Metal Gear is my special interest and I would love to talk about it when possible. However, most MGS fans are either just unwilling to look at the themes or be critical of what they consume. Due to these reasons The Council (consisting of me, Rory, and Chai) are the only intelligent people who can discuss MGS.